
Robot for typing things humanly

Primary LanguagePython


Writes source code to the keyboard buffer and randomises the entry to make it look like you're typing code directly.


To use this module on Mac OS X, you need the PyObjC module installed. For Python 3, run: sudo pip3 install pyobjc-core sudo pip3 install pyobjc For Python 2, run: sudo pip install pyobjc-core sudo pip install pyobjc (There's some bug with their installer, so install pyobjc-core first or else the install takes forever.) To use this module on Linux, you need Xlib module installed. For Python 3, run: sudo pip3 install python3-Xlib For Python 2, run: sudo pip install Xlib To use this module on Windows, you do not need anything else. You will need PIL/Pillow to use the screenshot features.


python typer.py <path to source file>