
fuse client based on aliyun oss

Primary LanguagePerl


ossfs is a fuse client to mount your aliyun oss bucket under linux


run makepkg in distro/package/archlinux will generate archlinux package


ossfs is written in perl, please make sure these perl packages could be cound in your enviromnent:

  • Fuse
  • LWP::UserAgent
  • HTTP::Date
  • Digest::MD5
  • Digest::HMAC_SHA1
  • XML::Simple

the OSS.pm, delivered with ossfs, is a simple perl oss sdk module, which could be useful to perl coders. test.pl is a unittest script for this module.

road map

  • review code of rmdir and see if recursively remove object is needed
  • optimize memory usage when writing big files
  • make OSS.pm a CPAN module
  • OSS.pm support multiple part upload
  • basic read/write



Li Ruibo


licensed under the BSD License