- 1
cant run datatable*.py examples
#24 opened by alberto-bortoni - 0
Use ``colorettu``
#23 opened by s0undt3ch - 1
Cell Foregroud Color
#22 opened by s0undt3ch - 0
How does focus jump out of datatable?
#20 opened by world9781 - 5
How do selected rows highlight?
#19 opened by world9781 - 4
Display Pandas DataFrame
#16 opened by white-gecko - 4
Access object behind row
#18 opened by white-gecko - 2
- 1
MWE for the DataTable
#15 opened by white-gecko - 0
- 6
Filters no longer filtering
#13 opened by mavrik-kl - 1
Details toggle no longer toggling
#12 opened by mavrik-kl - 5
Example not working
#10 opened by laixintao - 1
- 1
Get key values from dropdown example
#8 opened by MarcoBorrini99 - 1
architecture overview of datatable
#6 opened by dotnwat - 2
Consider switching license to LGPLv2.1
#7 opened by fungi - 2
Upload to pypi?
#1 opened by laixintao - 2
Refresh datatable after MainLoop running?
#5 opened by laixintao - 1