
Web templates from structured data

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Build Status

d3.template creates javascript and html from structured data objects. This project hopes to accelerate the design and innovation of web-based presentation layers for data.

This readme is written in Literate Coffeescript and can run as code.

Basic usage?

  1. d3.template requires d3js; it is extends the d3.selection.prototype.

     d3.getScript 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.5/d3.min.js'
  2. Create a structured manifest as YAML or JSON for example.

     obj = [
       append: h1
       text: This is a heading
  3. Create a new d3 selection.

     selection = d3.select 'body'
  4. Append the template to the selection

     selection.template obj
  5. That HTML is the current selection is changed.

<h1>This is a heading</h1>


All of the template data is stored in the document object under the key __data__. The meaning of document.__data__ is from the d3 opinion that d3.select(document).datum({}) would create the __data__ class if it did not exist.

Templating Lexicons

  • The template object is refered to as a block. (See Jinja )

  • An object key is a template or mixin.

    • template - operate on the value
    • mixin - operate on the selection and data
  • Filters modify the value before the template is applied. Templates are triggered with template.filter in the key.

  • An include is made with the request mixin.

Scoping d3 variables

d3.template has some syntaxes to access local and global variables

Scope Prefix Meaning
selection data @ access data in the local scope
global data : access data in the global scope
current index @i the current index in an each iterator
current selection @this the current node in the selection

append shorthand

$tagName.class1.class2#tag-id creates <tagName class="class1 class2" id="tag-id"></tagName>

What happens?

When .template is applied to the selection. The structured object is converted into Coffeescript then Javascript and finally it is display on the page as HTML.

How does it work?

d3js design patterns are repeatable and structured. Each key in a d3.template object corresponds to a method in Selections API with each value being the argument. d3.template iterates over arrays in the object; the key/value pairs are first expressed as d3 written in Coffeescript. The Coffeescript is transformed to Javascript and lastly presented as HTML.

API Exceptions

d3js has 4 functions that update a selection without any impact on the DOM.

d3js d3.template ----
enter call-enter Update the selection to create new DOM nodes
exit call-exit Remove previously selected nodes from the selection
remove call-remove Remove exitted selection from DOM
transition call-transition Create a new d3 transition

The Selection API

d3js d3.template ----
select select Select the first DOM node containing the CSS selector
selectAll selectAll Select all DOM nodes containing the CSS selector
attr attr change the state of a DOM node
append append add a new node to the DOM

Making Requests

Copy and paste an example gist.

Successful requests are loaded to document.__data__.include.

Using Markdown

Add the markdown filter to the html template.

    mdobj = [
      - append: div
      - html.markdown: """
        # This is Markdown 

        It is appended to the document

    selection.template mdobj


d3.template has two functions d3.getScript and d3.extend which both mirror their Jquery counterparts $.getScript and $.extend.