Coders Profiles | Git + Github Practical.

  • A basic project to allow colleagues learn git, github.

Steps to follow

Get a copy of the project

  1. Fork this repo.

  2. Clone to your local computer.

  3. Open index.html in a desktop browser.

  4. Click the "Add New Profile" button on the page, a modal comes up. Fill in your correct profile links.

  5. Click "Generate Profile HTML" button on the modal form, pprofile HTML will be available in the textarea.

  6. Paste the copied HTML code below the last profile (<dl></dl> tag) within the index.html file and save.

Relevant Git and Github Activities

  1. Below are the relevant git steps to
    1. git remote add upstream Adds the original remote branch to your local repo so that you can check for (merged) updates from other colleagues.
    • git remote add upstream Use this instead if SSH is set up else skip.
    1. git remote -v To see your remote branches (origin and upstream).
    2. git add .
    3. git commit -m 'your commit message'
    4. git fetch upstream master To bring in the changes added by others or the updates available in the base remote branch.
    5. git rebase ... or git merge ... , your choice.
    6. git push back to your remote branch
    7. Create a pull request on github for your updates to be added to the original project.

Live Project