Movie Nominator

The Movie Nominator is an app for nominating five (5) preferred movies you believe deserves an award by year-end.

This is a simple single page application built with VueJS, Bootstrap and OMDBapi.

Current Features:

  1. Mobile Responsive.

  2. Notification banner displayed after 5 nominations.

  3. Every movie nomination button is disabled after 5 nominations.

  4. Crafted with VueJS and Bootstrap 4, OMDBapi.

  5. Movie searches are triggered onKeyUp events in the search field.

  6. Total search result counts are displayed with only 10 movies listed per page.

Upcoming Improvements:

  1. Pagination of movie search results for > 10 saerches

  2. Vuex can be used to manage state more efficiently.

  3. LocalStorage used to persist nominated movies data on frontend.

To Run:

git clone

cd nominator

npm install

npm run dev

Have fun.