
Stuff for Todd and www.nwmsc.com

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This script will parse pages housing song charts and create a file called songs.csv that can be imported into Excel. The columns are:

Title, Artist, Site


The scripts require python 2.7 or above.


Open your terminal / console application and go to this directory and enter:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

This will attempt to install the prerequisite libraries used by the script.

NOTE: There are sometimes issues with libxml2 when trying to install lxml. To resolve this on Mac OSX, follow the instructions to install the command-line tools for XCode, run $ xcode-select --install on the command-line

Once the installation completes, you can run the script:

$ ./collect.py

This will erase the existing songs.csv (if there is one) and write a new one.

adding more providers or updating existing providers

Provider settings are configured in the providers.py file. Providers are implemented as Python classes that support the following properties:

  • name - A descriptive name of the provider (e.g., All Access)
  • url - The url to scrape
  • item_root_xpath - the XPath that indicates the "root" (list item, table, row, etc.) of each song in a table, collection, etc.
  • title_child_xpath - the XPath WITHIN the item root HTML tree that contains the text of the title
  • artist_child_xpath - the XPath WITHIN the item root HTML tree that contains the text of the artist's name

NOTE: With 'child' XPath items, you would normally need to use . to indicate "within the current root element." The script takes care of that and also of appending /text() to the end of the selector so that you can focus on just getting the core XPath for each item figured out.

To add another one:

  1. Using a tool like the Scraper Chrome extension, determine the XPaths required for a given url.
  2. In the providers.py file, copy an existing class (from class through the artist_child_xpath line) and paste it to the end of the file
  3. Rename the class on the top line (e.g., class SampleClass(object):)
  4. Update the properties inside the __init__(self) method
  5. Save the proviers.py file
  6. Open the collect.py file and add the new class name to the data_providers line (making sure to construct a new instance by adding the open and close parens ()). For example, adding SampleClass:
data_providers = [AllAcess(), FMQB(), SampleClass()]

Save the collect.py file and run!
