
Use node to generate liquid.js to have Liquid in the browser

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Liquify is a Node.js module that creates a client-side version of the Liquid Templating language (see http://github.com/shopify/liquid) for use with JavaScript in the browser, available as both plain JavaScript (public/javascripts/liquid.js) and as minified JavaScript (public/javascripts/liquid.min.js). Please see the liquid.js project for the latest versions and usage.

The Liquid.js library is a client-side version of Marcel Jackwerth's liquid-node, which is a port of Tobias Lutke's Liquid templating language, originally implemented in Ruby, plus Partials that I created in the node-liquid-partial project to help keep templates DRY.

Note: This is currently the result of less than a week of work, so let me know if you find it useful or would like to suggest changes!



See the liquid.js project for details on how to use Liquid.js that this project generates.


You may regenerate the liquid.js files to the latest version that I support from liquid-node's capabilities by simply installing the package from NPM:

$ npm install liquify

Or by installing the latest node package from git directly:

$ npm install git@github.com/tchype/node-liquify

You can see it working by running the sample page that uses liquify to render it's markup:

$ node ./node_modules/liquify/app.js
Server running at
$ open


I have to take a minute to recognize the efforts of others.

The huge, gigantic THANK YOU has to go to sirlantis (Marcel Jekwerth) for even taking on the task of porting Liquid into node. Without his work on this front, I probably would have given up trying to implement it in purely client-side JavaScript at some point. Instead, his previous efforts and eagerness to accept pull requests and ideas for liquid-node made it simply a 3 day weekend project to get something working!

Also, a big thank you goes out to substack for browserify as well as the overall contributions to node and Open Source. Thanks!

Finally, the biggest thank you (as well as an "I'm sorry for keeping my nose in the computer all weekend") has to go to my lovely wife and my silly, wonderful boys. Thanks for being patient with me!!