
(Work in Progress: API is likely to change)

Primary LanguageObjective-C

A simple Objective-C client to publish posts on the WordPress platform.

WordPress API for iOS is a library for iOS designed to make sharing on your WordPress blog easy.

It's not meant to provide access to the full feature set of the WordPress XML-RPC API.


You can download the project from FIXME

The quick way

  • Drag libWordPressApi.a and WordPressApi.h to your Xcode project. Make sure to check "Copy items into destination group's folder"
  • Add #import "WordPressApi.h" to your source file where you plan to use the API
  • You're ready to go

The long way

There can be a few reasons why you wouldn't want to just link the library and import the source instead, some of them:

  • You want to modify the code
  • You are already using AFNetworking or the XMLRPC library. In this case, adding the static library would throw "duplicate symbols" errors on compile

If that's the case, or you just like to have the source available in your project:

  • Download AFNetworking and add the AFNetworking folder to your project
  • Download XMLRPC and add it to your project. A way to do that is to create a XMLRPC group in your project and add all the .h/.m files in there
  • Add the WordPressApi folder to your project (the one that has WordPressApi.h)
  • Add #import "WordPressApi.h" to your source file where you plan to use the API

Example project

[TODO] Example project will include examples for posting text, images or video

Example usage

Posting a picture

A hypothetical camera app called Cameramattic wants to add an option to share its pictures on WordPress

NSURL *xmlrpcURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"https://aphotoblog.wordpress.com"];
NSString *username = "aUsername";
NSString *password = "thePassword";
NSString *title = "My cat";
NSString *content = "She likes to sleep like that";
UIImage *image = ... // The image to upload

WordPressAPI *wp = [[WordPressAPI alloc] initWithXMLRPCEndpoint:xmlrpcURL username:username password:password];
[wp publishPostWithImage:(UIImage *)image
             description:(NSString *)content
                   title:(NSString *)title
                 success:^(NSUInteger postId, NSURL *permalink) {
                     NSLog(@"Image post successful with ID %d at %@", postId, permalink);
                 failure:^(NSError *error) {
                     NSLog(@"Post upload failed: %@", [error localizedDescription])