
A JAVA program replicating a strategy game called Pentago. Program uses AI algorithms such asthe Alpha Beta Pruning method and MinMax method.

Primary LanguageJava



  1. Depth level of the game can be changed by the Class constant of Pentago.java named "DEPTH".
  2. If you want to use Alpha Beta pruning algorithm, set AB_PRUNE to true.
  3. If you want to use MinMax algorithm, set AB_PRUNE to false.
  4. Hit run.
  5. Human will always be player 1 and computer will always be player 2.
  6. Enter your name when prompted.
  7. Choose your color when prompted. The computer by default will be the opposite color.
  8. The player who goes first will be chosen at random. a. If the computer goes first, then his move is random. b. If you want to manually change the computer's first move, change MANUAL_FIRST_MOVE to true. you can change the contants in the Pentago.java class AI_FIRSTMOVE_ROW and AI_FIRSTMOVE_COL.