
This plugin basically disables WordPress Canonical Redirect Filter on virtual URL such as /sitemap.xml

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

=== XML Sitemap Feed Companion ===
Tags: xml, sitemap, feed, canonical url
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.1
License: GPLv3

This plugin is a companion tool for XML Sitemap Feed(http://4visions.nl/en/wordpress-plugins/xml-sitemap-feed/) by RavanH.

== Description ==

This plugin basically disables WordPress Canonical Redirect Filter on a virtual URL. I created this companion tool because XML Sitemap Feed Plugin DOES NOT create a physical file unlike other sitemap plugins. If SEO friendly permalink is enabled with a trailing slash, all requests to /sitemap.xml get redirected to /sitemap.xml/ as per below nginx configuration:

location / {
  index   index.php;
  try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?q=$uri&$args;

== Installation ==

Upload the XML Sitemap Feed Companion plugin to your blog, Activate it.

== Changelog ==

= 0.1 -
* initial release