Better error pages

This deployments is based on: error-pages container

What id does

It uses priority in Traefik to display nice error page in case its not handled by targeted app. It can be also added into any service ingress if that service does not handle 404,500 etc errors in nice way.


You can use pre build themes by changing the TEMPLATE_NAME variable in error-pages-deployment.yaml

        - name: TEMPLATE_NAME
          value: "app-down"
        - name: SHOW_DETAILS
          value: "true"

Theme demonstrations: HERE


Container expose /metrics in prometheus format


  • Limited to 16MB RAM - Max 32MB
  • CPU: 50m
  • Image size: 4.66MB
  • readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
  • runAsNonRoot: true
  • allowPrivilegeEscalation: false