
The best flat theme for Vim, Atom, Sublime Text, TextMate, Terminal.app and iTerm

Primary LanguageVim Script


The best colorful flat theme for Vim, Atom, Sublime Text, Terminal.app and iTerm.




Atom Example

  1. Go to Atom -> Preferences...
  2. Then select the Themes tab
  3. Type Lucario in the search box


Not available yet.

Sublime Text

Sublime Example

Install using Package Control

If you are using Package Control, you can easily install Lucario via the Package Control: Install Package. The package theme as Lucario Color Scheme in the packages list. After this you should be able to select lucario color scheme by browsing Preferences -> Color Scheme -> Lucario Color Scheme -> Lucario

Manually install

  1. Use git clone git@github.com:raphamorim/lucario.git and then take the Lucario.tmTheme
  2. Open Sublime text and click on Preferences -> Browse Packages
  3. Then put the Lucario.tmTheme there
  4. Now you should be able to select lucario theme by browsing Preferences -> Color Scheme -> Lucario


Not available yet.


Vim Example

Put lucario.vim file in your ~/.vim/colors/ directory and add the following line to your vimrc file:

syntax enable
set number
colorscheme lucario

OS X Hint: vim /usr/share/vim/vimrc


iTerm Example

  1. Use git clone git@github.com:raphamorim/lucario.git (or use .zip download option)
  2. iTerm > Settings Tab
  3. Go to "Profiles > Colors" tab
  4. Click "Load Presets..." to import and select the iterm/Lucario.itermcolors file


Terminal Example

  1. Use git clone git@github.com:raphamorim/lucario.git (or use .zip download option)
  2. Terminal > Settings Tab
  3. Click "Gear" icon
  4. Click Import and select the terminal/Lucario.terminal file
  5. Click Default

Color Palette

Palette Hex RGB HSL
Background #2b3e50 43 62 80 209.2° 30.1% 24.1%
Current Line #243443 36 52 67 209° 30.1% 20.2%
Selection #19242f 25 36 47 210° 30.6% 14.1%
Foreground #f8f8f2 248 248 242 60° 30% 96%
Comment #5c98cd 92 152 205 208.1° 53.1% 58.2%
String #E6DB74 230 219 116 54.2° 69.5% 67.8%


Why not use lucario color scheme in your favorite editor? does not exist? So what about creating one, is very simple \o/

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: `git commit -m 'Add some feature'``
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :)


Credits: Project inspired by @zenorocha's Dracula Theme.

License: MIT ® Raphael Amorim.