npm install platypi-cli -g
grunt build
npm test
A test coverage report is generated in the coverage/ directory.
platypi create <name>
platypi add <type> <name>
Types: viewcontrol, injectable, repository, service, factory, templatecontrol, attributecontrol
You may extend a component with an existing component using the '--extends ' flag. '-e' for short.
platypi add <type> <name> --extends <name>
platypi add <type> <name> -e <name>
platypi list
This command will list all platypi components currently configured to a project.
platypi update
This command downloads the template files associated with the template version number in the package.json file to the OS specific AppData directory.
platypi cache-clean
This command forces the CLI to clear the files stored in the OS specific AppData directory.
platypi template
Prints the template version number used to generate the project in the current working directory.