
Predicting Vulnerable Code : How far are we?

Primary LanguageJava

Predicting Vulnerable Code: How far are We?

This is a research experiment from Master's course based in Software Dependability.

The experiment is based on a replication of the state-of-the-art regarding the Prediction of Vulnerable Code. In fact, the tools with these aims, are called Vulnerability Prediction Models (VPM).

For this reason have been implemented three VPMs techniques based on :

  • Software Metrics
  • Text Mining
  • Automated Static Analysis

Moreover, these technique are combined in order to try to obtain better performance. So, the combinated techniques are:

  • Software Metrics and Text Mining
  • Software Metrics and Automated Static Analysis
  • Text Mining and Automated Static Analysis
  • Software Metrics, Text Mining and Automated Static Analysis

Machine Learning Classifiers

The following Machine learning techniques have been used :

  • Logistic regression (LR)
  • Naive Bayes (NB)
  • Support Vector Machine (SVM)
  • Random Forest (RF)


  • Python 3.4 or newer
  • Install PyDriller 1.15

    > pip install pydriller

Running VPMs

  • Clone the GitHub project in your workspace.

2. Repository Mining

  • Go to Dataset2 > RepoMining and execute divide_Dataset.py
  • Execute main_repo_Mining.py

    > python3 main_repo_mining.py

  • At the end of the execution you can see the results in Dataset2 > mining_results

3. Software Metrics Execution

To obtain the software metrics dataset it has used Understand tool from SciTools.

For each file analyzed it has been extracted the following metrics:

  • CountLineCode: Numbers of line contained in the source Code

  • CountDeclClass: Number of declared classes in the source code file

  • CountDeclFunction: Number of declared functions in the source code file

  • CountLineCodeDecl: Number of lines containing declarative source code

  • SumEssential: Sum of essential complexity of all nested functions or methods

  • SumCyclomaticStrict: Sum of strict cyclomatic complexity of all nested functions or methods

  • MaxEssential: Max of essential complexity of all nested functions or methods

  • MaxCyclomaticStrict: Maximum strict cyclomatic complexity of nested functions or methods

  • MaxNesting: Maximum nesting level of control constructors

You can see two results datasets inside the Software_Metrics folder:

  • mining_results_neg : contains the software metrics for the negative istances (not vulnerable files)
  • mining_results_pos : contains the software metrics for the positive istances (vulnerable files)

You can also see the entire dataset file called mining_results_sm_final

4. Text Mining Execution

  • Go to the folder Dataset2 > Text_Mining
  • Execute text_mining.py
  • Execute dict_generator.py
  • Execute less_element.py
  • Execute creator_csv_for_TextMining.py

You can see the result in csv_mining_final.csv

5. Automated Static Analysis Execution

The data are extracted by SonarQube with the plugin CNESReport.

Each file analyzed in the dataset is analyzed by SonarQube in respect of 19 rules.

  • Go to the mining_results_asa folder.

So, the two files resulting from the SonarQube are:

  • RepositoryMining_ASAResults_neg.csv
  • RepositoryMining_ASAResults_pos.csv

So, now:

  • Execute ASA_vulnerability_dict_generator.py
  • Execute rules_dict_generator.py
  • Execute creator_csv_for_ASA.py

The resulting file will be in the same folder called csv_ASA_final.csv

6. Combination

WARNING: Execute first the single techniques steps (3,4,5).

Text Mining with Software Metrics

  • Go to dataset2 > Union > Union_TM_SM
  • Execute Union.py

You can see the result in the folder Union_TM_SM with union_SM_TM.csv.

Text Mining with Automated Static Analysis

  • Go to dataset2 > Union > Union_TM_ASA
  • Execute Union_TMwithASA.py

Software Metrics with Automated Static Analysis

  • Go to dataset2 > Union > Union_SM_ASA
  • Execute Union_SMwithASA.py

You can see the result in the folder Union_SM_ASA with union_SM_ASA.csv.

The 3-Combination: Text Mining. Software Metrics and Automated Static Analysis Tool

WARNING: Execute first Text Mining with Automated Static Analysis steps

  • Go to dataset2 > Union > Total_Combination
  • Execute 3Combination.py

You can see the result in the folder Total_Combination with 3Combination.csv.


The following dataset in Predicting-Vulnerable-Code > Dataset2 is made from Serena E. Ponta , Henrik Plate, Antonino Sabetta, Michele Bezzi : "A Manually-Curated Dataset of Fixes to Vulnerabilities of Open-Source Software" Available from GitHub at the link : https://github.com/SAP/project-kb/tree/master/MSR2019 .