make run-test
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
API Document: http://localhost/swagger/index.html
- Deployment on Heroku
- Commit and push codes on
- Login Heroku Dashboard, create/select a project
- In Deploy section, select GitHub and connect to the repo
- Run Deploy Branch under Manual deploy
- Commit and push codes on
API Document:
- Go-Chi is the suggested framework
- SQLite was planned to use originally because it is easy to setup for local hosting. But then deployed on Heroku and found it is not supported
- Postgres is the selected database because I want to enable transforming different source into the same schema so it will be easier for querying the price / average price
- Didn't plan to use NoSQL because the data insertion looks not very frequently
- Better handling of exchange rate not found, I think it is kind of business/product requirement because of a few concerns
- data in the current database does not reflect the complete history of exchange rate
- if there is another third party service supports complete rate history by specifying the backdate timestamp, those API maybe costly so I would suggest adding a fallback mechanism to lookup and store when needed
- API to get price with timestammp - if a future time is provided, we only shows the last price. Should have better handling for this
- App structure - I am new to it so didn't organized the folder well
- Services - Split the cron job and web server into 2 different services
- Configure file - Better usage , i.e. for different environment like .env in JavaScript projects
- Monitoring - if the currenct third party API is down or any error happens, i.e. rate-limit reached
- Error handling - Should have centralized error logging / handling so we can do something like alert / notification
- Logging - better loggin mechanism like fluentd
- Data pipeline - more decoupled data pipeline like ELT instead of directly dumping into the database
- Some testing is missing - factory pattern is not tested