
Titanium tiapp.xml parsing and manipulation API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

tiapp.xml Build Status Built with Grunt

A node.js parsing and manipulation API module for Appcelerator's Titanium tiapp.xml configuration file. It makes it exceedingly easy now to read and modify entries in the tiapp.xml file programmatically. No need to manually parse XML anymore, but you can if you so choose.

For complete details regarding tiapp.xml files, please consult Appcelerator's full documentation.

Install NPM version

$ npm install tiapp.xml


Change the Titanium SDK version

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');
tiapp.sdkVersion = '3.2.2.GA';

Disable analytics

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');
tiapp.analytics = false;

Add a new native module for android

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');
tiapp.setModule('com.tonylukasavage.someCoolModule', '1.0', 'android');

Print the tiapp.xml from the tiapp object

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');



Load a tiapp.xml file and return a Tiapp object. If file is undefined, find() will attempt to locate a tiapp.xml file.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');

parse(xmlString, filename)

Parse an xml string as a tiapp.xml document and return a Tiapp object. This is used by load() and generally isn't used directly. filename is optional, and is used only as a default value if you attempt to write() later.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').parse('<ti:app><!-- the rest of the tiapp.xml --></ti:app>');


Find a tiapp.xml file and return its file path. It will start by searching the current working directory for a tiapp.xml file. If it doesn't find it, it will continue to move up the folder hierarchy attempting to find tiapp.xml files. If it never finds a tiapp.xml, it returns null.

var pathToTiappXml = require('tiapp.xml').find();


Return the string representation of the tiapp.xml file.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');


Write the current Tiapp object out as a tiapp.xml file to file. If file is undefined, it will use the file supplied in the inital load() or parse() call. If it still can't find a file, an exception with be thrown.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');

// disable analytics
tiapp.analytics = false;

// write out the changes to "./tiapp.xml"

// or write out to an explicit location

top-level elements

Get and set top-level tiapp.xml elements directly as properties. These properties can be referenced in dash form or camel case. For example, to work with the sdk-version you can use either tiapp['sdk-version'] or tiapp.sdkVersion.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');

// prints the name and guid of the app
console.log(tiapp.name + ': ' + tiapp.guid);

// disable analytics
tiapp.analytics = false;

// change the sdk version
tiapp['sdk-version'] = '3.2.2.GA';


Return a boolean indicating whether or not the given platform is enabled. If no platform is given, getDeploymentTargets is called instead.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');

The previous code would print true if the deployment-targets section of your tiapp.xml looked something like this:

	<target device="android">true</target>


Return an object representation of all the deployment target elements.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');

The previous code executed against a tiapp.xml that had everything but Tizen enabled would print this:

	android: true,
	blackberry: true,
	ipad: true,
	iphone: true,
	mobileweb: true,
	tizen: false

setDeploymentTarget(platform, value)

Enable or disable a platform. If platform is an object, setDeploymentTargets is called instead.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');
tiapp.setDeploymentTarget('android', false);

The previous code would write a deployment-targets entry something like this:

	<target device="android">false</target>


Enabled or disable all platforms at once. obj is an object representation of all deployment targets.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');

// get existing list of deployment targets
var targets = tiapp.getDeploymentTarget();

// disable tizen and blackberry
targets.blackberry = false;
targets.tizen = false;

// or use an object literal to do the same without the getDeploymentTargets() call
	android: true,
	blackberry: false,
	ipad: true,
	iphone: true,
	mobileweb: true,
	tizen: false



Get a tiapp.xml application property value.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');
console.log(tiapp.getProperty('ti.ui.defaultunit')); // prints "system"

setProperty(name, [value], [type])

Set a tiapp.xml application property.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');

// with just a value
tiapp.setProperty('ti.ui.defaultunit', 'dp');

// or with a value and type
tiapp.setProperty('ti.ui.defaultunit', 'dp', 'string');



Remove an application property from the tiapp.xml.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');


Get an array of objects representing modules listed in the tiapp.xml.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');
var modules = tiapp.getModules();

// iterate through a list of modules from the tiapp.xml
modules.forEach(function(mod) {
	// read access to properties on module object
		mod.id, mod.version || '<no version>', mod.platform || '<no platform>');

setModule(id, [version], [platform])

Add or update a module in the tiapp.xml.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');

// Add the ti.cloud module

// Set the version of ti.cloud to 2.0
tiapp.setModule('ti.cloud', '2.0');

// Add a platform-specific module
tiapp.setModule('ti.cloud', '1.0', 'android');

// add with object for attributes
tiapp.setModule('some.module', {
	platform: 'android',
	version: '3.3'

// Add one more module, no additional details


The resulting tiapp.xml <modules> section would look like this:

	<module version="2.0">ti.cloud</module>
	<module version="1.0" platform="android">ti.cloud</module>
	<module version="3.3" platform="android">some.module</module>

removeModule(id, [platform])

Remove a module from the tiapp.xml.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');

// remove ti.cloud module that is _not_ platform-specific

// remove a platform-specific ti.cloud entry
tiapp.removeModule('ti.cloud', 'android');



Get an array of objects representing plugins listed in the tiapp.xml.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');
var plugins = tiapp.getPlugins();

// iterate through a list of plugins from the tiapp.xml
plugins.forEach(function(plugin) {
	// read access to properties on plugin object
	console.log('id=%s,version=%s', plugin.id, plugin.version || '<no version>');

setPlugin(id, [version])

Add or update a plugin in the tiapp.xml.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');

// Add the ti.alloy plugin

// Set the version of ti.alloy to 2.0
tiapp.setModule('ti.alloy', '2.0');


The resulting tiapp.xml <plugins> section would look like this:

	<plugin version="2.0">ti.alloy</plugin>


Remove a plugin from the tiapp.xml.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');


A direct reference to the underlying XML Document object as supplied by xmldom. You will not need to use this in most cases and should use the tiapp.xml module APIs instead.

var tiapp = require('tiapp.xml').load('./tiapp.xml');
console.log(tiapp.doc.documentElement.nodeName); // prints "ti:app"


  • Platform-specific tiapp.xml sections