
(React, NodeJS) Fullstack Document Management System

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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DOC-MAGE - Fullstack Document Management System

DOC-MAGE is an application that helps users manage their documents in an organized way. A User can create a document, edit and share it with others. The application utilizes RESTFUL API architecture for managing documents, users and roles.

Click here to view the app on Heroku.


The app has three levels of authorization;

  • A guest can

    • view public documents on the website
    • create an account
  • A regular user can:

    • create documents
    • edit and Delete his/her document
    • edit and Delete his/her profile
    • limit access to a document by specifying an access level to public, private or role.
    • view public documents created by other users.
    • view role documents created users with the same or lesser role level.
    • login/logout.
  • An admin user has all the previlages of a regular user but he/she can also perform the following actions:

    • view all users.
    • update a user's role e.g upgrade another user to admin.
    • create roles.
    • edit and delete existing roles
    • Delete created roles aside form the admin role


The application was developed with NodeJs, Express was used for routing and Postgres with sequelize was used for database management. ReactJS with the Redux architecture was used to build the client side of the application


Follow the steps below to setup a local development environment. First ensure you have Postgresql installed, and a version of Node.js equal or greater than v6.10.0.

  1. Clone the repository from a terminal git clone https://github.com/andela-angene/document-management-system.git.
  2. Navigate to the project directory cd document-management-system
  3. Rename .env_sample to .env and add the required DATABASE URL.
  4. Install project dependencies npm install
  5. Start the express server npm start.


Ensure that project dependencies are installed before running tests.

Server and Client tests

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory
  2. Add a test database url (DATABASE_TEST_URL) to the .env file.
  3. Run npm test

End to end tests

  1. Ensure the app is running, you can start it with npm start
  2. Open another terminal, navigate to the project directory and setup the test with npm run e2e-setup
  3. Run npm run e2e-test

API Summary

View full API documentation here


EndPoint Functionality
POST /users/login Logs in a user.
POST /users/logout Logs out a user.
POST /users/ Creates a new user.
GET /users/ Gets all users (available only to the Admin).
GET /users/:id Find a user by id.
PUT /users/:id Updates a user's profile based on the id specified (available to the profile owner or admin)
DELETE /users/:id Delete a user's profile (available only to the profile owner)
GET /users/:id/documents Gets all documents for a particular user
GET search/users/?q=${query} Get all users with username containing the search query


EndPoint Functionality
POST /documents/ Creates a new document instance.
GET /documents/ Gets all documents.
GET /documents/:id Find document by id.
PUT /documents/:id Updates a document's attributes. (available only to the author)
DELETE /documents/:id Delete a document. (available only to the author)
GET search/documents/?q=${query} Get all documents with title containing the search query

Roles (available only to the Admin)

EndPoint Functionality
GET /roles/ Get all Roles.
POST /roles/ Create a Role.
PUT /roles/:id Edit a Role.
DELETE /roles/:id Delete a Role.


The app currently cannot handle more than 3,000,000,000 users or documents but can be scalled up if the need arises.


Contributions are most welcome. Simply fork the repository, work on the feature and raise a PR.
