
Keyboard Teleop for ROS2 with two modes "incremental" and "hold".

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Keyboard Teleop for ROS2 with two modes "incremental" and "hold"


  • Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/tonynajjar/keyboard_teleop
  • Install dependencies: rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r


ros2 run keyboard_teleop keyboard_teleop_hold 


ros2 run keyboard_teleop keyboard_teleop_incremental

To run with custom config:

ros2 run keyboard_teleop key_teleop_incremental --ros-args --params-file <path-to-your-config-file>

A configuration example can be found in keyboard_teleop/config/

keyboard_teleop_incremental Usage

This node takes keypresses from the keyboard and publishes them 
as Twist messages. This is the incremental mode; every key press 
incrementally increase or decrease the respective dimensional speed.

WARNING: This node will take commands even if your terminal is not in focus!


WASD or Arrows to increase/decrease speeds
Any other key to stop
CTRL-C or q to quit

keyboard_teleop_hold Usage

This node takes keypresses from the keyboard and publishes them 
as Twist messages. This is the holding mode; your keypress will
set the maximum configured speeds, at release all speeds are reset

WARNING: This node will take commands even if your terminal is not in focus!


WASD or Arrows to move
Any other key to stop
CTRL-C or q to quit