Primary LanguagePython

SAGTA - Spread Among the GTAs

Imagine you are the GTA (Graduate Teaching Assistant) of a 3rd-year university course. Your supervisor is telling you to mark and give feedback to the courseworks. `Nice, extra-bit of ££' you think, until you see hundreds of courseworks submitted and you have absolutely no way of marking them by yourself. The only way-out is to ask for help from your fellow GTAs.

This is when SAGTA a.k.a. Spread Among the GTAs comes into rescue. Simply get all the coursework files in a single directory and specify everything from the number of GTAs, names of them to the save path, SAGTA sorts it out for you and voila! Spreading workload among GTAs will never be a manual work again.

Task List

  • Copying and distributing files automatically to target directory
  • Regex matches that supports filtering out student IDs from raw-downloaded filenames (support for IC's BlackBoard Learn naming routines only)
  • Toggle for looking at pdf files only
  • Uneven distribution of workload among several GTAs
  • Automatic spreadsheet generation


No installation needed. Tested on:

  • Python 3.7.0
  • NumPy 1.15.1


Open terminal and type python3 main.py -hto see the guidelines for parsing arguments. For example:

python3 main.py --file_path './test' -n 4 --GTA_names 'Homer' 'Simpson' 'Peter' 'Griffin' --save_path './example'

yields the results seen in the example folder.


python3 main.py --file_path './test' -n 4 --GTA_names 'Homer' 'Simpson' 'Peter' 'Griffin' --save_path './example' --pdf_only

yields empty folders and text files because the extra --pdf_only argument toggles the script to look at pdf files with file extension `.pdf' only.