
A Django project for monitoring a fishbowl with a raspberryPi/Python3/Django

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FishBowl Monitor

Just a fun project for me to learn some Python, Django and work with some sensors and the raspberry pi 3. I will attempt to use Test Driven Development (TDD) to accomplish this project.

What do I want it to do right now?

I'm hoping, it will do the following:

  • Provide a web interface (Done)
  • Display fishbowl water temperature (Done)

Future features I want to add

  • Show data trends over time (grpahs n stuff) (Done)
  • Take a pic of the fishy every once in a while
  • a button to push when someone feeds the fish
  • Track who feeds the fish (picture?)
  • Track fishbowl ph balance

Hardware (still a work in progress):

  1. Betta Fish and Fishbowl :)
  2. RaspberryPi v3
  3. DS18B20 Waterproof Thermal Temp. Sensor (found on amazon pretty easy and cheap)
  4. Bread board
  5. 4K ohm resister (I used 2x 2.2K resistors)


Database Schtuff

temperature model

  • Date time
  • temperature

and that should be it for now...

Eventually I'm thinking about adding..: feeding model

  • date time
  • image location? if a picture is being taken


  • 29 Sep 17:
    • Well, it's been up for a while and it's working great I was concerned about the size of the db, but, with 8K entries it's still only 495K I did end up adding in the auto clean up, so every time an entry gets added, the oldest gets deleted. I will want to up the time frame eventually so that I can get at least 30 days worth, then roll up 30-90, 90-180, and 180-365 for averages. I'm still runing on the dev server so I everytime I want to see the website i have loginto the pi and start the process.I will eventually move it to nginx and gunicorn
  • 30 Sep 17:
    • After quite a bit of futzing with the datetime field in the database I finally get it going. Still some tweaking I want to do with the graph and the display of the date and time labels, but it's doing what it should. Shows a graph using ajax. I also incorporated an API to get the data. Didn't know I was going to do that... but... meh .
  • 4 Oct 17:
    • So... I totally acctidentally overwrote the live database on the raspberry pi with the blank database on my machine. I lost all of the historical data... oops. But it did foce me to add in a /setup/db view in order to push 2000 rows of data so that the chart doesn't error out. I know there is a way to do that better, I just haven't refactored yet. In other news, I I am also gathering outside temp from openweathermap.org via it's API. working like a champ!