
My Portfolio site repo

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My Portfolio Site

Build Status

I wanted build a portfolio site (http://www.tonypnode.info) to ease my anxiety about transitioning out of the military and into civilan life. Just the thought of working on a resume gives me a headache haha.

But... cooking up a web application with test driven development , infrastructure as code, full automated build, weekly automated environment repave with no downtime, AAAANNNDDD , throw in some, neo4j, data analytics, cyber-security monitoring, with a dash of some s3 bucket scraping.... ALL OVER A KANBAN BOARD... Now we're talkin!

What's the dealio

I am not a software developer, nor am I a UI or front end guy, as you can probably tell by my delicately hand-crafted bootstrap jobby. But I am a passionate learner who loves to solve problems with technology. This project is really designed to help me demonstrate my technological range. It incorporates all of the technologies, methodologies, and skill sets above including a bunch more.

  • Python
  • Django
  • AWS
  • S3
  • Splunk
  • Telemetry
  • Load Balancing
  • Agile Project Management
  • Cyber Security
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Github
  • Git
  • etc...

The one major piece missing from this project is the fact that it doesnt demonstrate my leadership or mentorship abilities. I suppose you could argue that since I'm posting the hows, the whys, and the look-out-fors that could count, but I like to think that my approach to mentorship is better served face to face, or at least over the phone.

It's one thing to write on a resume all the things you know and have done in order to help get you in the door. I feel it's a step further to actually demonstrate it with a application built from scratch and the project plan and agile boards to show the implementation.

And if I'm wrong about all that, and this is completely irrelevant to potential employers... meh, I'm having a blast working on it, and maybe someone else will learn something from it :)

I'll post the particulars about the project later, I just wanted to close out issue 4 - Add to Travis and put my Build Status badge in here. it's late and I'm tired.