
.NET Core console application using Microsoft Graph for Azure AD B2C user account management.

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.NET Core console application using Microsoft Graph for Azure AD B2C user account management.

Azure AD B2C user account management with .NET Core and Microsoft Graph

This .NET Core console application demonstrates the use of the Microsoft Graph API to perform user account management operations (create, read, update, delete) within an Azure AD B2C directory. Also shown is a technique for the bulk import of users from a JSON file. Bulk import is useful in migration scenarios like moving your users from a legacy identity provider to Azure AD B2C.

The code in this sample backs the Manage Azure AD B2C user accounts with Microsoft Graph article on docs.microsoft.com.


File/folder Description
./data Example user data in JSON format.
./src Sample source code (*.proj, *.cs, etc.).
.gitignore Defines the Visual Studio resources to ignore at commit time.
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Information about the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct.
LICENSE The license for the sample.
README.md This README file.
SECURITY.md Guidelines for reporting security issues found in the sample.



  1. Clone the repo or download and extract the ZIP archive

  2. Modify ./src/appsettings.json with values appropriate for your environment:

    • Azure AD B2C tenant ID
    • Registered application's Application (client) ID
    • Registered application's Client secret
  3. Build the application with dotnet build:

    azureuser@machine:~/ms-identity-dotnetcore-b2c-account-management$ cd src
    azureuser@machine:~/ms-identity-dotnetcore-b2c-account-management/src$ dotnet build
    Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.4.0+e901037fe for .NET Core
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
      Restore completed in 431.62 ms for /home/azureuser/ms-identity-dotnetcore-b2c-account-management/src/b2c-ms-graph.csproj.
      b2c-ms-graph -> /home/azureuser/ms-identity-dotnetcore-b2c-account-management/src/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.0/b2c-ms-graph.dll
    Build succeeded.
        0 Warning(s)
        0 Error(s)
    Time Elapsed 00:00:02.62
  4. Add 2 custom attributes to your B2C instance in order to run all the sample operations with custom attributes involved. Attributes to add:

    • FavouriteSeason (string)
    • LovesPets (boolean)

Running the sample

Execute the sample with dotnet b2c-ms-graph.dll, select the operation you'd like to perform, then press ENTER.

For example, get a user by object ID (command 2), then exit the application with exit:

azureuser@machine:~/ms-identity-dotnetcore-b2c-account-management/src$ dotnet bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.0/b2c-ms-graph.dll

Command  Description
[1]      Get all users (one page)
[2]      Get user by object ID
[3]      Get user by sign-in name
[4]      Delete user by object ID
[5]      Update user password
[6]      Create users (bulk import)
[7]      Create user with custom attributes and show result
[8]      Get all users (one page) with custom attributes
[help]   Show available commands
[exit]   Exit the program
Enter command, then press ENTER: 2
Enter user object ID: 064deeb8-0000-0000-0000-bf4084c9325b
Looking for user with object ID '064deeb8-0000-0000-0000-bf4084c9325b'...
{"displayName":"Autumn Hutchinson","identities":[{"signInType":"emailAddress","issuer":"contosob2c.onmicrosoft.com","issuerAssignedId":"autumn@fabrikam.com","@odata.type":"microsoft.graph.objectIdentity"},{"signInType":"userPrincipalName","issuer":"contosob2c.onmicrosoft.com","issuerAssignedId":"064deeb8-0000-0000-0000-bf4084c9325b@contosob2c.onmicrosoft.com","@odata.type":"microsoft.graph.objectIdentity"}],"id":"064deeb8-0000-0000-0000-bf4084c9325b","@odata.type":"microsoft.graph.user","@odata.context":"https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#users(displayName,id,identities)/$entity","responseHeaders":{"Date":["Fri, 14 Feb 2020 18:52:56 GMT"],"Cache-Control":["no-cache"],"Transfer-Encoding":["chunked"],"Strict-Transport-Security":["max-age=31536000"],"request-id":["23165c3f-0000-0000-0000-f7fc59669c24"],"client-request-id":["23165c3f-0000-0000-0000-f7fc59669c24"],"x-ms-ags-diagnostic":["{\"ServerInfo\":{\"DataCenter\":\"WEST US 2\",\"Slice\":\"E\",\"Ring\":\"1\",\"ScaleUnit\":\"000\",\"RoleInstance\":\"MW1PEPF00001671\"}}"],"OData-Version":["4.0"]},"statusCode":"OK"}
Enter command, then press ENTER: exit

Key concepts

The application uses the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant flow to get an access token for calling the Microsoft Graph API. In the client credentials grant flow, the application non-interactively authenticates as itself, as opposed to requiring a user to sign in interactively.

The following libraries are used in this sample:

Library documentation NuGet API reference Source code
Microsoft Authentication Library for .NET (MSAL.NET) Microsoft.Identity.Client Reference GitHub
Microsoft Graph Client Library for .NET Microsoft.Graph.Auth Reference GitHub
Microsoft Graph Client Beta Library for .NET Microsoft.Graph.Beta Reference GitHub
.NET Extensions Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration Reference GitHub

The Microsoft Graph Client Library for .NET is a wrapper for MSAL.NET, providing helper classes for authenticating with and calling the Microsoft Graph API.

Creating the GraphServiceClient

After parsing the values in appsettings.json, a GraphServiceClient (the primary utility for working with Graph resources) is instantiated with following object instantiation flow:

ConfidentialClientApplication ➡️ ClientCredentialProvider ➡️ GraphServiceClient

From Program.cs:

// Read application settings from appsettings.json (tenant ID, app ID, client secret, etc.)
AppSettings config = AppSettingsFile.ReadFromJsonFile();

// Initialize the client credential auth provider
IConfidentialClientApplication confidentialClientApplication = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
ClientCredentialProvider authProvider = new ClientCredentialProvider(confidentialClientApplication);

// Set up the Microsoft Graph service client with client credentials
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(authProvider);

Graph operations with GraphServiceClient

The initialized GraphServiceClient can then be used to perform any operation for which it's been granted permissions by its app registration.

For example, getting a list of the user accounts in the tenant (from UserService.cs):

public static async Task ListUsers(AppSettings config, GraphServiceClient graphClient)
    Console.WriteLine("Getting list of users...");

    // Get all users (one page)
    var result = await graphClient.Users
        .Select(e => new

    foreach (var user in result.CurrentPage)


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