
Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Script to create Microsoft Entra ID application, service principal and federated credentials for use with OpenID Connect (OIDC).
This can be a helper when needing to create service principals in Entra ID that you need to run in a different security context to your Infrastructure as Code workflow i.e. which has no/limited access to Entra ID.

This enables GitHub Actions workflows to access Azure resources without storing long-lived Azure credentials in GitHub secrets, it can also be used with Azure DevOps.

The script has some limited RBAC capability e.g. you can define a resource group or subscription scope for the created app service principal.



Azure subscription
Create or delete:
Owner or Contributor + User Access Administrator

Microsoft Entra ID
Create or delete:
Global Administrator or Application Administrator
Directory Readers


  • Azure CLI - created and tested with version 2.53.1
  • jq - created and tested with version 1.6

The ado-create-oidc-sc.sh script additionally requires:

  • envsubst - which is part of the gettext package


scripts/azure-oidc.sh -h

Usage : azure-oidc.sh [-h] -a <oidc_app_name> [-c <oidc_service_connection_name>] [-d] [-e <entra_tenant_id>] [-f oidc_federated_credential_scenario ] -i <oidc_subject_identifier> [-f <oidc_federated_credential_scenario>] [-g <oidc_resource_group_name>] [-j <json_file_location>] [-l <oidc_resource_group_location>] [-n <oidc_subscription_name>] [-m <mode>] [-o <oidc_organization>] [-p <oidc_project_name>] [-q] [-r <oidc_role_assignment>] [-s <oidc_subscription_id>] [-t <oidc_resource_group_tags>] [-u oidc_issuer_url] [-v <oidc_vstoken_ado_org_id>] [-y]

  -a = Azure AD app registration name
  -b = debug output file location
  -c = Azure DevOps service connection name
  -d = debug mode
  -e = Entra Tenant ID - defalts to current subscription
  -f = Federated credential scenario - defaluts to GitHub
  -g = Azure resource group for OIDC RBAC assignment
  -h = Show help and usage
  -i = OIDC subject identifier
  -j = JSON output file location
  -l = Azure location for OIDC resource group
  -m = Mode of operation - defaults to "create"
  -n = Azure subscription name for OIDC
  -o = Organization e.g. Azure DevOps organization URL
  -p = Project e.g. Azure DevOps project name
  -q = quiet mode
  -r = Azure role assignment for OIDC scope
  -s = Azure subscription ID for OIDC
  -t = Azure resource group tags
  -u = OIDC issuer URL
  -v = Azure DevOps organization ID, for vstoken issuer URL
  -y = Answer yes to prompting to force deletion


  Create or delete an Azure AD app registration with federated credentials for OIDC

GitHub examples

# Login to Azure first
az login
# set to the target subscription if necessary
# az account set --subscription <subscription_id>

# Create app with no RBAC or federated credentials - not much use
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh -o azure-github-oidc

# Create app with no RBAC or federated credentials and create a resource group - not much use
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a azure-github-oidc \
  -g rg-azure-github-oidc

# Create app with single federated credential and no RBAC
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a azure-github-oidc \
  -i "repo:tonyskidmore/azure-oidc:environment:dev"

# Doesn't allow for incorrect entries subject identifier or issuer URL
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a azure-github-oidc-test \
  -i "rep:tonyskidmore/azure-oidc:environment:dev" \
  -u https://token.action.githubusercontent.com

# Create resource group and app an assign reader RBAC and create tags
# used for .github/workflows/github-oidc-test.yml
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a azure-github-oidc-test \
  -g rg-azure-github-oidc-test \
  -r "Reader" \
  -i "repo:tonyskidmore/azure-oidc:environment:dev" \
  -t "environment=dev cost_centre=123"

# Create app and resource group with single RBAC and single federated credentials
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a azure-github-oidc \
  -g rg-azure-github-oidc \
  -r "Contributor" \
  -i "repo:tonyskidmore/azure-oidc:environment:dev"

# Create app with single RBAC on defined resource group and federated credentials in an alternative Azure location with tags
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a azure-github-oidc-dr \
  -g rg-azure-github-oidc-dr \
  -r "Contributor" \
  -i "repo:tonyskidmore/azure-github-oidc:environment:dev" \
  -t "environment=DR" \
  -l ukwest

# unprompted deletion of the app and resource group
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a azure-github-oidc-dr \
  -g rg-azure-github-oidc-dr \
  -m delete \

# Create app with multiple RBAC on defined resource group and multiple federated credentials
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a azure-github-oidc \
  -g rg-azure-github-oidc \
  -r Contributor \
  -i repo:tonyskidmore/azure-github-oidc:pull_request,repo:tonyskidmore/azure-oidc:ref:refs/heads/main,repo:tonyskidmore/azure-github-oidc:environment:dev,repo:tonyskidmore/azure-oidc:ref:refs/tags/v1.2.32

# use environment variables as opposed to command line arguments
export AZURE_OIDC_APP_NAME="azure-github-oidc"
export AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME="rg-azure-github-oidc"
export AZURE_OIDC_SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER="repo:tonyskidmore/azure-oidc:environment:dev"
export AZURE_OIDC_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT="Contributor,Storage Blob Data Contributor"

# unprompted deletion of the app and resource group using environment variables
export AZURE_OIDC_APP_NAME="azure-github-oidc"
export AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME="rg-azure-github-oidc"
export AZURE_OIDC_MODE="delete"
export AZURE_OIDC_YES_FLAG="true"

# run multiple times to set RBAC and produce JSON output
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a azure-github-oidc \
  -g rg-azure-github-oidc \
  -r "Contributor" \
  -i "repo:tonyskidmore/azure-oidc:environment:dev" \
  -j "$PWD/dev-oidc-app.json" \
  -t "environment=dev cost_centre=123" \

./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a azure-github-oidc \
  -g rg-azure-github-oidc \
  -r Reader \
  -i repo:tonyskidmore/azure-oidc:pull_request \
  -j "$PWD/pr-oidc-app.json" \
  -t "environment=dev cost_centre=123" \

# prompted deletion of the app and resource group
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a azure-github-oidc \
  -g rg-azure-github-oidc \
  -m delete

Azure DevOps examples

Workload identity federation for Azure Resource Manager is now generally available.

See: Manually configure Azure Resource Manager workload identity service connections

Field Description
Issuer Enter https://app.vstoken.visualstudio.com/_azure-devops-organization-guid_
Subject identifier Specify sc://azure-devops-organization/project-name/service-connection-name
You do not need to have created the service connection.
# Create app with federated credential and no resource group or RBAC
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a azure-ado-oidc \
  -u https://vstoken.dev.azure.com/e1538f7b-5100-4fa8-8a72-5ea2518261e2 \
  -i sc://tonyskidmore/oidc/azurerm-oidc \
  -f AzureDevOps

# Doesn't allow for incorrect entries subject identifier or issuer URL
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a azure-ado-oidc-test \
  -u https://vstoken.dev.azure.com/e1538f7b-5100-4fa8-8a72-5ea2518261e \
  -i sc://tonyskidmore/oidc \
  -f AzureDevOps

# Create app with federated credential
# app registration named app-azure-ado-oidc
# issuer url for vstoken.dev.azure.com and the ADO org ID
# specify the subject identifier for the ADO org, project and service connection name
# specify a resource group and RBAC to assign
# use the AzureDevOps federation subject scenario
# create tags on the resource group
# output as JSON (screen and file)
# use debug output
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a azure-ado-oidc \
  -u https://vstoken.dev.azure.com/e1538f7b-5100-4fa8-8a72-5ea2518261e2 \
  -i sc://tonyskidmore/oidc/azurerm-oidc \
  -g rg-azure-ado-oidc \
  -r Contributor \
  -f AzureDevOps \
  -t "environment=dev iac=az-cli" \
  -j ado-oidc-app.json \
  -o https://dev.azure.com/tonyskidmore \
  -p oidc \
  -d \
  -b "$PWD/log.txt"

# same as above but just specify the ADO org ID rather than the issuer url
# -i is constructed and not passed when -o, -p and -c are present
# the -u issuer URL can be constructed dynamically but only if
# a valid AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT is set AND is created with access to "All accessible organizations"
# export AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT="<pat-token>" is required to perform organization ID query
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a azure-ado-oidc \
  -o https://dev.azure.com/tonyskidmore\
  -p oidc \
  -c azurerm-oidc \
  -g rg-azure-ado-oidc \
  -r Contributor \
  -f AzureDevOps \
  -t "environment=dev iac=az-cli" \
  -j ado-oidc-app.json \
  -d \
  -b "$PWD/log.txt"

 # read JSON and export all values
 # get org name by url and construct -i
 # -i sc://tonyskidmore/oidc/azurerm-oidc \

# PAT with scopes of at least Service Connections - Read, query & manage
# export AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT="<pat-token>"

# Create a "Workload Identity federation (manual)" service connection in Azure DevOps
# using the output of the ./scripts/azure-oidc.sh script above
scripts/ado-create-oidc-sc.sh ./ado-oidc-app.json

# delete the app and the resource group
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a app-azure-ado-oidc \
  -g rg-azure-ado-oidc \
  -m delete

# vmss resource group
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a vmss-ado-oidc \
  -u https://vstoken.dev.azure.com/e1538f7b-5100-4fa8-8a72-5ea2518261e2 \
  -g rg-vmss-win-001 \
  -r Contributor \
  -f AzureDevOps \
  -t "environment=dev iac=az-cli" \
  -j vmss-ado-oidc-app.json \
  -o https://dev.azure.com/tonyskidmore \
  -p win-vmss \
  -c azurerm-oidc \
  -d \
  -b "$PWD/log.txt"

scripts/ado-create-oidc-sc.sh ./vmss-ado-oidc-app.json

# delete the app and the resource group
./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a vmss-ado-oidc \
  -g rg-vmss-win-001 \
  -m delete

Create an OIDC connection to be used with terraform-azurerm-vmss and terraform-azuredevops-elasticpool Terraform modules.

# first create VMSS using: https://github.com/tonyskidmore/terraform-azurerm-vmss/tree/main/examples/admin_password

./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a vmss-ado-oidc \
  -u https://vstoken.dev.azure.com/e1538f7b-5100-4fa8-8a72-5ea2518261e2 \
  -g rg-tests-terraform-azurerm-vmss \
  -r Contributor \
  -f AzureDevOps \
  -t "environment=dev iac=az-cli" \
  -j vmss-ado-oidc-app.json \
  -o https://dev.azure.com/tonyskidmore \
  -p devops-vmss \
  -c azurerm-sc

scripts/ado-create-oidc-sc.sh ./vmss-ado-oidc-app.json

./scripts/azure-oidc.sh \
  -a vmss-ado-oidc \
  -g rg-vmss-win-001 \
  -m delete

GitHub references

Use GitHub Actions to connect to Azure

Configuring OpenID Connect in Azure

GitHub Azure AD OIDC Authentication

Passwordless Github Actions with Azure Workload Identity OIDC

Azure and Azure DevOps references

Manually configure Azure Resource Manager workload identity service connections

Workload identity federation

Introduction to Azure DevOps Workload identity federation (OIDC) with Terraform

Use service principals & managed identities

Service Principal Entitlements

Terraform references

Azure Provider: Authenticating using a Service Principal with Open ID Connect




Using Managed Identity or OIDC to Authenticate from Azure DevOps Pipelines to Azure for Terraform Deployments

AzureCLI@2 task


  • Add support for User Assigned Managed Identity
  • Mention using without PAT
  • further testing and tests