
Scripts to download & merge video clips from meteo.physic.ut.ee archive

Primary LanguagePython

Meteo Clip Merger

Scripts to download & merge video clips from meteo.physic.ut.ee archive.

Using bash, wget and FFmpeg utilities.


  1. Run wget_meteo.sh YEAR to download the year you wish (make sure it's available).
  2. Run convert_meteo.sh YEAR MONTH for every month to speed up and join all clips.
  3. Run join_meteo.sh YEAR to join all months into one ~3 hour long video at 48 FPS.

The first and second steps may take quite a while (2-8 hours), but the third one should be fast (under a minute). I usually run 2-4 instances of the second step at a time, but the effectiveness of this may depend on your CPU.

Please be kind to the meteo.physic.ut.ee servers.

Merged Clips