
🔑 Quick sample implementation for Firebase Authentication (Email & Google)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Firebase Authentication Sample

⚙️ Setup

Inside signin.js, signup.js and index.html, replace the Firebase configuration with your own. Configuration can be found on the Firebase console after creating a project.

📧 Signup and Signin using Email and Password

  1. Inside signup.js and signin.js, replace the email and password with dummy values.
  2. Run signup.js and signin.js using node signup.js and node signin.js respectively.
  3. Get the accessToken from the response in the logs. That access token will be used for authenticating requests with the backend.

📲 Signup and Signin using Google account

  1. Run index.html on a local server using http-server command.
  2. Open the index.html in the browser.
  3. Click on the Sign in button.
  4. Select the Google account you want to use for signing in.
  5. Get the accessToken from the response in the logs. That access token will be used for authenticating requests with the backend.