
📱 Uber mobile application clone developed with React Native

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Uber mobile interface

📚 Libraries used

  • nativewind for the styling
  • react-native-maps for displaying the maps and the pin of the selected restaurant
  • react-navigation for handling the navigation between screens
  • react-native-elements for using cute icons
  • react-native-google-places-autocomplete, react-native-maps and react-native-maps-directions for the Google maps APIs
  • @reduxjs/toolkit for the global state management and persisting data across the different screens

🗂 Folder structure

  • assets for the images
  • components for the reusable components
  • screens for the different application pages (one screen component per page)
  • slices for the different reducers of the Redux state (basket & restaurant)
    • store.js will use these reducers and make them available to the React components
  • App.js is the entrypoint of the application
  • babel.config.js for converting ES code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript
  • tailwind.config.js for specifying which files can use TailwindCSS styling

🚀 Google console developer

API key for the Google Maps API can be found here: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/dashboard?project=playground-uber