
Comments Engine

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


Pre-alpha non-functional version.

Rails 3 engine for comment threads. The goal is to be narrow but deep, meaning that the scope of this project could include threads, threaded discussions, file attachments, and comment management. It doesn’t include profiles or voting.


  1. Add big_comment to your Gemfile: gem "big_comment", :git => "git://github.com/tonystubblebine/big_comment.git"

  2. Make sure the gem is installed by running: bundle install

  3. Copy over migrations and css files: rake big_comment:generate:migration

  4. Run rake db:migrate.

  5. Copy config code and add an email address in order to send notifications. rake big_comment:generate:copy_config_files

  6. Install/build authentication dependencies. Requires current_user and require_user. Both of these are defined by common authentication plugins like Authlogic or Omnisocial.

  7. Add an association to the model you want to have comments: has_many :comments, :class_name => “BigComment::Comment”, :as => :commentable

  8. Add these two lines where you want the comment threads to show up:

%= render “big_comment/comments/list”, :commentable => commentable % %= render “big_comment/comments/new”, :commentable => commentable %

  1. Define commentable.to_summary, which is used in the subject line of notification emails.

Features for 0.1

  1. Comment threads

  2. Threaded discussions

  3. File attachments
