
WIP - Codex Vitae

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Codex Vitae


As part of work at Coach.me, I'm planning to lead people through a coaching module on predecision. This, Book of Life, is an idea I took from Buster Benson (as in literally cut and paste his version as a starting point). One of the major values is that if you can articulate your beliefs and philosophies you'll be free of constant self-negotiation around decisions.

Plus I've wanted to write one of these for myself ever since I saw Buster's. #envy

Here's Buster's original

Table of contents



Type 1: Metabeliefs

Beliefs about beliefs.

  • Making and maintaining this document is useful and fun.
  • It's purpose is to capture my beliefs about the universe.
  • This document is always incomplete and out of date.
  • These beliefs represent strong opinions loosely held. Many will be proven wrong.
  • Having articulated beliefs is helpful because it saves room in your cognitive budget.

Type 2: Principles

Fundamentals that define purpose and guide decisions.

  • Positive Impact. Actions can and should be measured, or at least estimated. It is possible for me to have a positive impact on the world.
  • Iteration. Momentum and action almost always beats innaction and perseveration. When in doubt, put one foot in front of the other.
  • Pragmatism. Working on defining this.
  • Autonomy. Much happiness comes from a sense of autonomy (different than individualism) where I can have an idea and then bring that idea to fruition. That is true in fitness ("I will run to that mountain on the horizon") and business ("Wouldn't it be cool if this app existed?")

Type 3: Opinions

These are tactical beliefs that support the Type 2 Principles.

  • Startup competition is bogus. Almost everyone finds a way to go out of business.
  • Software projects should produce production changes on a daily basis.
  • Sugar is evil. It destroys my healthy sense of autonomy by taking over my mind and reducing my energy.
  • Deep work is great. I don't like interruptions. I'm not sure other people should either.
  • Negativity should be avoided. Negativity brings addictive attention, but is full of empty calories.
  • Being political is a good thing. Someone's politics most often represent their desire for the world to be better. Having political views is by definition an act of charity.

Type 4: Society

How I believe society should be structured.

  • I'm socially liberal and believe most things you'd think I'd believe. But some things I believe much more strongly.
  • America has a serious incarceration problem. This my top social justice issue.
  • We should have more nuclear power.
  • Owning a gun should require certification from a firearms officer verifying that they've taken a safety course, are free of criminal record, and pass a psychological mental health check every few years.
  • Wall Street is a problem, creating an unwarranted tax on the American public and causing unpredictable failures of the economy.
  • Free market means "free to compete" rather than "free from oversight."
  • The government does more good than you realize.