
A PHP command line script to perform currency conversion based on XML data.

Primary LanguagePHP


A PHP maintenance script to perform currency conversion based on XML data.

Create tables

Running the script will create this already. If else,

$ cd settings
mysql -u <username> -p <dbname> < create_currency_exchange_table.sql
Enter password: ****

Run the script

Replace values in settings/database.php for you db settings.

The script currencyConverterScript.php accepts two format of input strings. They are:

  • Given an amount of a foreign currency, convert it into the equivalent in US dollars. For example: input: 'JPY 5000' output: 'USD 65.63'
$ php currencyConverterScript.php 
Enter currency to convert: 
'JPY 5000'
'USD 65.625'
  • Given an array of amounts in foreign currencies, return an array of US equivalent amounts in the same order. For example: input: array( 'JPY 5000', 'CZK 62.5' ) output: array( 'USD 65.63', 'USD 3.27' )
$ php currencyConverterScript.php 
Enter currency to convert: 
array( 'JPY 5000', 'CZK 62.5' )
array( 'USD 65.625', 'USD 3.24375' )➜

Run tests

You will have to run the program once (or create the database using the sql script) before you run the tests. This is a bad design, but see Known Issues below.

composer update
./vendor/bin/phpunit  tests/CurrencyConversionTest.php 

Known Issues

The unit tests need to work on a fake db following https://phpunit.de/manual/6.5/en/database.html - which is not the case right now.