
This is a web application that provide a beautiful To-Do List for users to manage their tasks. This web app is develop in H2 DataBase, Sprintboot and React.js.


This project is created with: Backend

  • H2 DataBase (Backend)
  • Sprintboot (Backend)
  • Maven
  • IntelliJ IEDA
  • JAVA JDK 11
  • React v17.02 (Frontend)
  • NPM v6.14.6
  • VSCode


  • User can view uncompleted and completed items in the To Do List

  • User can mark an item as completed by clicking the text

  • User can add an item from the list by clicking the Add Todo Button

  • User can edit an item from the list by clicking the edit button

  • User can delete an item from the list by clicking the delete button

  • This program can prevent users from creating an empty todoItem

Try it locally

  • Frontend part
  1. Go to client folder
  2. Run the following command
$ npm install
$ npm start
  1. Go to http://localhost:3000/
  • Backend part
  1. Go to server folder
  2. Run the following command to package it and run the server.
$ mvn install
$ cd target
$ java -jar todo-sprintboot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Directory Structure

├── client              
│   └─── src 
│        ├── index.js
│        ├── App.js
│        ├── package.json           # NPM Package file
│        └── components             # React components
└── server/
    ├── src                   # Java Source Files             
    ├── pom.xml                
    ├── mvnw.cmd
    ├── mvnw
    ├── todo-sprintboot.iml