
MicroUI Blazor app interfacing with FHIR data.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to FHIRBlaze!


FHIRBlaze is a minimally viable Blazor WebAssembly application demonstrating how to interact with HL7 data from a Fast Health Interoperability Resources (FHIR) API.


A Blazor WebAssembly (wasm) application using the pattern of micro-frontends implemented by lazy-loading UI "modules" only when requested by navigation events from the client.

Get Started

Here's what you'll need to run this application in your own environment.


You will need access to a FHIR API that meets the HL7 R4 spec requirements. Host your own with one of these popular offerings:

OR, use one of these publicly available test servers.

Web Host

There are many options for hosting a Blazor WebAssembly application. This repo contains a Github Action workflow to automatically deploy the site to Azure Static Web Apps. Follow this tutorial to learn more.

Other options include:

  • Azure App Service
  • Azure Blob Storage static web
  • and more...

Next Steps

Fork this repo to modify or add your own functionality.


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