
UITableViewCell subclass to add multiple buttons to a swipe-under menu like iOS 7 Mail.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


DNSSwipeableTableCell demo

This is an extension of a tutorial I've written for RayWenderlich.com on how to create a swipeable UITableViewCell for iOS 7 without driving yourself completley insane with UIScrollViews. (Drive yourself insane with constraints instead!)

The crux of the problem is that while adding a delete button is super-easy, adding a delete button AND another button is a total nightmare because of the way the cells are constructed.

I've refactored the code that was included in the tutorial, which is is more meant as an exercise in helping n00bs dive into figuring out how Apple's code works under the hood, into this library, which I'm hoping will be helpful for anyone dealing with this in production code.

##The Biggest Changes

  • Removed dependency on the storyboard
  • Made the myContentView public so the cell could be subclassed and recycled more easily.
  • Beefed up delegate to handle an arbitrary number of buttons
  • Added datasource to allow tons of user-configurable options
  • Tweaked the animation so it uses spring damping instead of trying to do that manually
  • Added a ton of documentation to the swipeable cell class
  • Cleaned up the sample app quite a bit
  • Added a sample subclass.
  • Added a bunch of photos of my cat, because the internet loves cats.


  • Figure out a way to not have to store the index path on the cell itself. It's way easier, but it feels dirty. (I know, I know)
  • Add support for buttons with images instead of text
  • ??? - File an issue!

##Photos All photos Copyright Ellen Shapiro. If you want to see more photos of my jerkface cat, Chaplin, follow me on Instagram.