
Demo project and descriptions on how to use GPUImage image filter

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Using GPUImage and ImagePickerWithFilters

1. Drag ImagePickerWithFilters folder into project

The foder includes 
- classes 
- xib file
- resources (images and curve files)

2. Add GPUImage libraries into project

1. Download GPUImage library (open project folder in terminal):
	- git submodule add git://github.com/BradLarson/GPUImage.git
2. Add GPUImage framework to your own project:
	Drag GPUImage->framework->GPUImage.xcodeproj to project

3. Add project dependency

1. Add dependency to GPUImage in project "Build Phases" -> "Target Dependencies"
2. Add GPUImage .a library to project framework
	Drag libGPUImage.a from GPUImage.xcodeproj -> Products to "Build Phases" -> "Link Binary With Libraries".

4. Set Build Settings

1. Set "Header Search Paths" value to path to GPUImage framework folder: "GPUImage/framework/**" (recursive)
2. Set "Other linker flags" value to "-ObjC"