This application is built with Sails framework. The application provided APIs for paypal checkout using Paypal Order APIs.
App Structure
- api: api definition folder
- controllers: api request handler
- models: entity model definition. Used with ORM to handle data persistence.
- services: business logics
- helpers: helper functions. See Sails documentation for more detail
- common: reusable functions or components
- policies: Policies in Sails are versatile tools for authorization and access control
- config
- env: configurations for different environments (development, production, etc.)
- locales: localization files
* routes.js: api routes definitions
* datastores.js: database configuration
* i18n.js: internationalization configuration
* security.js: security configurations like cors, csrf
Run Application
# install sails
npm install sails -g
# run app
sails lift
Create New Api
sails generate api [api_name]
This will generate a model and a controller for [api_name]
Currently there are 2 APIs provided by this backend service:
method | path | description |
POST | /checkout-paypal | create order |
POST | /create-payment" | capture order payments |
- Sails framework documentation
- Version notes / upgrading
- Deployment tips
- Community support options
- Professional / enterprise options
This app was originally generated on Sat Jun 27 2020 21:41:33 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time) using Sails v1.2.4.