====== What is jsaone? ====== This is a tiny wrapper around the json module in the Python standard library, allowing to read a json file incrementally. This can be useful for * parsing json streams without waiting for the end of the transmission, * parsing very big json objects without wasting RAM for the json representation itself. It is an alternative to [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ijson/|ijson]] (written when I did not know ijson existed, but in the end more efficient). === Efficiency === No extensive tests were made (if you make them, let me know), but here are the results (in seconds) obtained in opening a local file with 384650 objects, totalling 174 MB: ^ Parser ^ Iteration 1 ^ Iteration 2 ^ | standard (non-incremental) json | 9.511 | 9.273 | | cythonized jsaone | 19.055 | 18.956 | | ijson (with yajl2 backend) | 62.250 | 64.538 | | pure python jsaone | 421.641 | 421.821 | Those results were obtained with the script "**tests/json_load_test.py**". Clearly those numbers are affected by the speed of the CPU and of the medium/stream. In particular, since the test was made on a file from a local hard disk, the bottleneck was clearly the CPU, and hence it is disadvantageous for incremental parsers (including jsaone). If the bottleneck is given by the medium/stream, jsaone should even outperform the standard json, which will start processing only after the entire stream is received. === Why "jsaone" === Because it sounds similar to "json"... but the Saône is a (large) stream. === Dependencies === * [[http://pypi.python.org/pypi/simplejson/|simplejson]] (Python 2.5 only) * for speedup: [[http://cython.org|cython]] (at build time) === Installing === - If you use Debian or a derivative (such as Ubuntu or Mint), you can simply use the packages provided above. - **jsaone** is on pypi, so you can install it with //pip install jsaone// - you can extract/clone the git repo, then move in the "jsaone" folder and give the command python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace (replace "**python3**" with "**python**" if you are using Python 2). === Usage === import jsaone with open('/path/to/my/file.json') as f: gen = jsaone.load(f) for key, val in gen: ... === Development === You can browse the git repo [[http://www.pietrobattiston.it/gitweb?p=jsaone.git|here]] or clone with git clone git://pietrobattiston.it/jsaone For bugs and enhancements, just write me - <me@pietrobattiston.it> - ideally pointing to a git branch solving the issue/providing an enhancement. Jsaone should be able to parse any compliant json string... so if you find one on which it fails, please let me know! === License === Released under the GPL 3. Feel free to contact me if this is a problem for you (and GPL 2 is not).