
Primary LanguagePython

This repository contains tools building a database from time and sales as well as market depth records produced by Sierra Chart. Alternately, you can use the parsing module to read these directly from disk and into your program.

Time and Sales

Sierra chart does not store time and sales records per se, but OHLC values. It stores these "intraday data files" in /Data. They have a .scid extension. When Sierra Chart is configured to store one trade per bar in these intraday files, they effectively become time and sales records. parsers.parse_tas converts these one-trade intraday records into time and sales records with a timestamp, price, quantity, and side (0 = at bid, 1 = at ask) fields.

Read more about the intraday data files here:


How far back can this data go? Sierra Chart's historical data service provides tick data through 2011 for CME group exchanges. For other exchanges, see:


Market Depth

Market depth files are stored in /Data/MarketDepthData. They have a .depth extension. One file is produced per symbol, per day. You must configure Sierra Chart to download market depth for any symbols you are interested in. To do so, follow steps 1-8 and 16-18:


See also:


Depth records contain commands to modify the state of an order book. For example, adding bids, deleting offers, and so on. Cumulatively applying the commands results in the correct state of the order book, up through the latest record processed. Sierra Chart allows you to download the last 30 days of market depth data. Depth records are parsed by parsers.parse_depth.

Keeping .scid files up-to-date

You can keep .scid files up to date simply by connecting to a data feed once per day. Sierra Chart will download any missing records as far back as Maximum Historical Intraday Days to Download, provided the symbol you are interested in is open in a chart.



After the download is complete, you can force Sierra Chart to flush new, incoming records to disk using the Intraday File Flush Time in Milliseconds setting. By default, they are written every five seconds:


Because it is tedious to track a large number of symbols using charts, you may want to use the "Intraday File Update List" feature:


To generate a list of file names for bulk-download, you can use update_file_list.py. At the top of the file you will see some SYMBOLS configured. You can add to, disable, or remove from this list whatever contracts you prefer, then run. The program will generate all files between the start and end contract expiries that you supply on the command line.


To find this database useful, you will need to solve a few problems:

  1. You need to edit config.json to include any contracts you are interested in adding to the database. You need to know the symbol name, as it appears in Sierra Chart, and the price multiplier. The latter is found under Chart -> Chart Settings -> Real Time Price Multiplier.

Note: while tick data is available for years, market depth is only available for 30 days. Basically, you have a 30 day window to get the configuration right if you don't want to miss records going forward.

  1. You need to keep the data files updated. For .scid files, see the section above. For .depth files, ???TODO???.


  1. Configure Sierra Chart to record intraday tick files and market depth files for the contracts you want to store. The information above should help, otherwise you can e-mail me.

  2. Open config.json and add any contracts you are interested in loading. See the included example. The checkpoint fields are set automatically, and should be initialized to 0 (or "" for checkpoint_depth.date). The boolean values set whether time and sales, depth, or both will be loaded into the database. Set price_adj according to the Real Time Price Multiplier value (see discussion in the section above).

  3. Set the location of your Sierra Chart installation in sc_root.

  4. Set the sleep_int equal or similar to Intraday File Flush Time in Milliseconds.

  5. Load data with python etl.py <loop>. Where loop is 0 (to read and load once, then quit) or 1 (to read/load continuously, as the files are written). Usually 0 is better.


Each contract has up to two tables:

        timestamp   INTEGER
        price       REAL
        qty         INTEGER
        side        INTEGER

        timestamp   INTEGER
        command     INTEGER
        flags       INTEGER
        num_orders  INTEGER
        price       REAL
        quantity    INTEGER

The timestamps are 64-bit unsigned integers, denoting the number of microseconds since 1899-12-30". The prices have been adjusted to match what you would expect to see, but otherwise the records are similar to their original forms, which are described here:

time and sales: https://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?page=doc/IntradayDataFileFormat.html

market depth: https://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?page=doc/MarketDepthDataFileFormat.html


sym_it.py: an interator that synchronizes the limit order book and time and sales for a single symbol, on a single day. Given a symbol and date in yyyy-mm-dd format, the iterator will serve order book updates and trades in the sequence they occur. See parsers.tas_rec and parsers.depth_rec for the format of trade and book update records, respectively. The iterator is indexed by a 64-bit timestamp, which is microseconds since 1899-12-30. User SymIt.set_ts to re-index the iterator with a new timestamp. To reset the iterator after one use, use SymIt.set_ts(0). The iterator will attempt to read new records from the .scid and .depth files on each use. It will not attempt to read new files after a call to set_ts unless update is set to True.