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A simple code for running ANSYS Electronics Desktop (ANSYS Maxwell) from MATLAB. Using this code, you would be able to open ANSYS Electronics Desktop (ANSYS Maxwell) from MATLAB. This ability is essential for optimization and further studies on electric motors. The code has been tested on various versions of ANSYS, and each time, it worked well.

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You know that in recent years, machine learning and artificial intelligence methods caused many science majors to evolve for a superior positions. Similarly, in the field of electrical machines and drives, it becomes essential to implement artificial intelligence methods. However, the available software packages for electric machine design such as ANSYS Electronics Desktop (ANSYS Maxwell), FEMM, JMAG, and others of that ilk individually can't design an electrical machine with artificial intelligence.

Matlab ANSYS

This code is considered the basic platform to integrate machine design with artificial intelligence. You can expand this code to apply optimization, neural network modeling, and other methods of artificial intelligence.

*** The function of this code is simple: By this code, you can open ANSYS Electronics Desktop (ANSYS Maxwell) with MATLAB.
