DUMB: An Example Architecture for Binary Ninja

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a very simple architecture (and executable format) made for the purpose of teaching how to write Binja loaders and architectures.

My hope for this repo is that it can be a simple teaching resource for this topic. While it covers the basics, it leaves some important topics (like flags) uncovered. PRs welcome!

An example "firmware image" is included here

DUMB Architecture

Following is a description of the architecture. In this document, we use the following format to specify bitfields:

0:xxyy represents a single byte: 0 means that the first (upper) nibble of the byte is zero, while xxyy indicates two 2-bit fields making up the lower nibble of the byte.


  • sp (stack pointer)
  • r0 (GPR)
  • r1 (GPR)
  • r2 (GPR)
  • r3 (GPR)


One Byte Instructions

Format Tokenization Meaning
0:xxyy mov rx ry Move the value in ry into rx
1:xxyy add rx ry Add the values of ry and rx and store the result in rx
2:xxyy and rx ry And the values of ry and rx and store the result in rx
3:xxyy or rx ry Or the values of ry and rx and store the result in rx
4:xxyy xor rx ry Xor the values of ry and rx and store the result in rx
9:____ ret Return from the current function to the address stored on the stack.

Five Byte Instructions

Format Tokenization Meaning
a0 XX XX XX XX call XXXXXXXXX Push addr + 5 onto the stack and transfer execution to XXXXXXXX (little endian dword)
7:xxyy XX XX XX XX jlt rx, ry, XXXXXXXX If rx is less than ry, jump to XXXXXXXX, otherwise continue to next instr
8:__rr XX XX XX XX mov rr, XXXXXXXX Move the immediate XXXXXXXX into rr

DUMB Format

DUMB files are extremely simple, containing only magic, and metadata for a single section. The format is as follows:

Offset Length Contents (if applicable) Description
0 4 "DUMB" Magic
4 4 N/A Section length stored as little endian dword
8 4 N/A Address to load section at, stored as little endian dword