
A five day hands-on course for teaching cloud development concepts in college institutions

MIT LicenseMIT

Cloud-Powered App Development Syllabus

Instructor Information

Instructor Email Office Location & Hours
Paul DeCarlo pdecarlo@microsoft.com Contact via e-mail 24/7/365

General Information

Microsoft Teams


The course will cover: (a) Cloud Services - The primary technology focus will be on the Microsoft Azure Platform and cover scalable services / websites / virtual machines; (b) Platform as a Service offerings to support scalable web development / deployment with WordPress on Azure. (c) Introduction to AI concepts including computer vision and the development of custom object detection models. (d) Internet of Things applications using GPU accelerated embedded devices to employ object detection models and publish inference results to the cloud.

Expectations and Goals

Take a closer look at the description above. That's right, in addition to creating a scalable website we will create artificially intelligent object detection models, and deploy AI workloads onto GPU-accelerated IoT devices to publish inference results into the Azure Cloud as part of this course! Do not worry about prerequisites, we will use templates and tools to facilitate course assignments to ensure that you are successful in understanding and applying the concepts that are covered.

The course style will be lecture based with hands-on-labs and online modules selected from Microsoft Learn. The lecture content will cover overviews of cloud concepts, web development basics, design methodologies, AI concepts, and the Internet of Things. The majority of the grade is reliant upon successful completion of the course projects and a final presentation.

Online Materials

The course instruction materials can be found online @ https://aka.ms/cloudpoweredappdev

Optional Materials

A personal machine capable of running the development tools.

Daily Requirements

Check the Folder for the corresponding class day for a summary of all presentation content, quizzes, homework, and MS Learn Modules. You will want to make sure all homework and quizzes are completed before class the next day. MS Learn Modules should be completed on the day assigned, although you may work on them at your leisure which includes skipping ahead as well as postponing. Be warned that letting these pile up could make for a very stressful evening before final presentations. I will check all students for completion of these modules at the beginning of the last day of class.

Course Schedule

Day 1 Suggested Time
Introduction 30 Mins
Create Azure Accounts 15 Mins
Create Microsoft Learn Accounts 15 Mins
Enroll in Cloud Skills Challenge 15 Mins
Enroll in Microsoft Imagine Cup 15 Mins
Enroll in Deep Learning Institute 15 Mins
Presentation - Intro to Azure 15 Mins
Azure Fundamentals 1 hour
Deploy Windows VM 1 hour
Brainstorming Website Ideas 1 hour
Deploy WordPress Instance on Azure 1 hour
Work on Website and Design Documents 1 hour
MS Learn Modules 1 hour
Homework 1 hour
Day 2 Suggested Time
Presentation - Interactive Introduction to WordPress 1 hour
Instructor-Assisted Website Development 3 hours
Presentation - All About the Internet of Things 1 hour
MS Learn Modules 1 hour
Homework 1 hour
Day 3 Suggested Time
Discuss Web Sites 30 minutes
Presentation - GPU Accelerated IoT Workloads at the Edge 1 hour
Fundamentals of Deep Learning - Workshop 4 hours
MS Learn Modules 1 hours
Homework 1 hour
Day 4 Suggested Time
Fundamentals of Deep Learning - Workshop 4 hours
Presentation - Intelligent Home Security with NVIDIA Jetson 1 hour
Homework 1 hour
Day 5 Suggested Time
Class Presentations 4 hours

Grading Criteria

  • Quizzes 10%
  • Design Documents 10%
  • Publishing Scalable Web Site 20%
  • DLI Lab 10%
  • Design IoT Solution 10%
  • Online Learn Modules 20%
  • FinalPresentation 20%

Final Grade will be determined by the sum of the above criteria.

  • A = 90 – 100
  • B = 80 – 89
  • C = 70 – 79
  • D = 60 – 69
  • F = 0 - 59