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from the superset bastion node:

cd terraform terraform init terraform apply -var datacenter="<codfw1dev|eqiad1>"

if a new database was created update currentDb and oldDB values in ansible/vars/eqiad1.yaml

When k8s is setup, start here

To install run deploy.sh <codfw1dev|eqiad1> [migrate]

Disaster recovery deploy

after deploy.sh Create OAuth role: all query access on all_query_access

To migrate the db:

deploy.sh <codfw1dev|eqiad1> migrate

manual db backup and restore:

in Horizon create a new trove database: Volume Size: 8 Datastore: mysql 5.7.29 Flavor: g3.cores2.ram4.disk20 Initial Databases: superset Initial Admin User: superset

mysqldump -h <original db hostname> -u superset -p superset > superset.backup
mysql -u superset -h <new db hostname> -p superset < superset.backup
# update values.yaml-template with new hostname
bash deploy.sh upgrade

Upgrade notes

The OAuth role won't update on an upgrade. However the Alpha role and sql_lab roles (Of which OAuth is largely the union of) may change. Looking for differences between OAuth and the union of Alpha and sql_lab roles may be the solution to new permissions problems.


You can run superset in minikube. Currently requires some fussing with files. Currently tested on minikube v1.26.1 k8s 1.23.15

cp values.yaml-template values.yaml

in values.yaml edit client_id to be 13067ed55ce2a4633af67dfffead4cb3 and client_secret to be 7079a6a2894554f2575fc173814713fcee498716


Remove the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI at the end of the file

minikube addons enable ingress
helm repo add superset https://apache.github.io/superset
helm install superset superset/superset -f values.yaml --version 0.10.0
kubectl apply -f minikube-ingress.yaml

In your /etc/hosts file set the output of minikube ip to superset.local https://superset.local/ Should now give you access. TODO: make this an automatic install. Ansible templating would make this nicer