A simple CliFx dotnet command line tool to retrieve test reports from a test suite ID from the Pega Unit Tests endpoint.
To use the Pega Unit Test Retriever CLI, follow these steps:
- Open a command prompt or terminal.
- Clone repository.
- Run the program using the following command:
➜ scripts/run.sh
Missing required parameter(s):
<testid> <accesstoken>
pegatestscli 0.0.1-alpha
A simple CLI tool to retrieve PegaUnit tests results.
dotnet pegatestscli.dll <testid> <accesstoken> [options]
* testid The Test Suite ID to retrieve results from.
* accesstoken Your Pega Access Token
-h|--help Shows help text.
--version Shows version information.
with the ID of the test you want to retrieve results for, and<Access Token>
with your Pega access token.
- The program will make an HTTP request to retrieve the test results from the Pega Unit Test API.
- If the request is successful, the program will display the test results in the console.
- If the request fails, an error message will be displayed indicating the reason for the failure.