TinyTensor supports various Tenstorrent device architectures. To select between them, simply change ARCH_NAME
environment variable:
export ARCH_NAME=grayskull
export ARCH_NAME=wormhole
Create symlink bbe
to point to your Buda backend repository (to be moved to third_party)
|-- bbe # Buda Backend
|-- README.md # This File
Set up the environment
export ARCH_NAME=wormhole
export ROOT=`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
export BUDA_HOME=$ROOT/bbe
export PYTHONPATH=$ROOT:$ROOT/src:$ROOT/tests:$ROOT/bbe/build/obj/py_api:$ROOT/bbe/py_api/tests:$PYTHONPATH
Building budabackend
make -C bbe -j8 build_hw eager_backend
Running a matmul test
- Grayskull:
python3 tests/test_tt_matmul.py -d gs -t matmul
- Wormhole:
python3 tests/test_tt_matmul.py -d wh -t matmul