
Python script for reading EKG or heart-sounds files from Audicor.

Primary LanguageTcl

Audicor Reader

Python script for reading EKG or heart-sounds files from Audicor.


Install dependency by pip3:

pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt



$ python3 reader.py -h                                    
usage: reader.py [-h] [-sx SIZE_X] [-sy SIZE_Y] [-st START_TIME]
                 [-et END_TIME] [-fsg] [-dn] [-sg]

Produce ekg and heart_sound figure.

positional arguments:
  filename              Filename to read. Must be *.bin or *.raw (case-

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -sx SIZE_X, --size-x SIZE_X
                        X-axis size of saved figure. (default: 20)
  -sy SIZE_Y, --size-y SIZE_Y
                        Y-axis size of saved figure. (default: 20)
  -st START_TIME, --start-time START_TIME
                        Start time of plt. Only works with *.raw. (default:
  -et END_TIME, --end-time END_TIME
                        End time of plt. Only works with *.raw. (default:
  -fsg, --force-spectrogram
                        Calculate spectrogram of which has the data length
                        longer than 60s.
  -dn, --denoise        Apply wavelet thresholding and high-pass filter to ekg
                        for denoising.
  -sg, --segment        Apply segmentation to ekg.


  • EKG
    • python3 reader.py --denoise some_ekg.bin
  • Heart sounds
    • python3 reader.py some_heart_sounds.raw -st 4:0:0 -et 4:0:20


from reader import get_ekg, get_heart_sounds

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ekg_filename = '/somewhere/to/ekg/file.bin'
    heart_sounds_filename = '/somewhere/to/heart_sounds/file.raw'

    ekg_data, ekg_sampling_rates = get_ekg(ekg_filename)
    heart_sounds_data, hs_sampling_rates = get_heart_sounds(heart_sounds_filename)

RAW Data Visulization Tool



Use the following instruction to open gui:

python3 gui.py
  1. Drag and drop *.raw file into the window to visualize that file.
  2. Investigation time interval selection:
    • Through scrollbar at the bottom
    • Press LEFT or RIGHT arrowkey on the keyboard
    • Or type in the specified time in the boxes on the right, and press Enter
  3. Press 「Rescale」 button on the left or press spacebar to reset the scale of visulization.
  4. Press UP or DOWN arrowkey on the keyboard to change time interval of visulization.
  5. If you want to change file, drag and drop new file in again.
  6. Enjoy!