
Generate java bean class instantly with no pain!

Primary LanguageC++

Auto generate bean class for java.

This is 2018 now and there are still lots of applications runnning out there using Bean class for java. You have to create lots of getters and setters. that would be so much pain. With this tool, you'll generate the bean class with comment just instantly.


Sample command:

./generate_bean_class test names _l date setting -Setting

./generate_bean_class then first argument is the class name, in the example above, it is test (First letter does not need to be uppercase. then following the class property list, the type of property is String by default, if it is another type, then use -<type_name>. Some shortcuts for some basic types: -b -boolean -Boolean for Boolean type, -i -int -Integer for Integer type, -d -double -Double for Double type, -s -string -String for String type.

If the type is a list of some other type, then add _l or _L or _List to the type. if the type is String, then don't need to write the type name.

so, the sample command read as: Create a bean class name Test, in which have a property name of List<String> type, and a property date with String type and property setting with type Setting.


I think any command that compiles c++11 could work. I use this:

clang++ -Wall -std=c++11 generate_bean_class.cpp -o generate_bean_class


Make option that could load specs from a file. Make error message hints.