
TopLogic - the automated application engine

Primary LanguageJava

TopLogic - the automated application engine

This is the home of the open-source version of TopLogic - the automated application engine. TopLogic is the only open-source model-based, no-code web application development platform. With TopLogic, you are able to create professional three-tier web applications using diagram-based modeling (UML and BPMN) in combination with WYSIWYG user-interface configuration.

However, your scope is not limited to the no-code approach. Due to the openness of TopLogic, the engine can be customized to your needs and extended with plug-ins at all levels, starting with new UI components, custom services and interfaces, custom scripting capabilities and even custom model elements and types.

TopLogic is provided to you by Business Operation Systems GmbH.

Getting started

TopLogic features so-called in-app development. This means that most of the development tools are built-in. Start creating a new app, which is a three-step process:

  1. Install the engine and log in.
  2. Draw and configure your models, processes, and user interfaces.
  3. Start using your new app.

Explore the features of TopLogic in-app development by following the guided tour in the TopLogic Tutorial.

However, you are not limited to in-app development. When using TopLogic with a team of developers, you can still use standard development workflows with repositories, version control, build, and deployment processes. Check out the TopLogic Developer Guide for deep insights into the TopLogic engine. Explore our latest features in the Release Notes. For the accompanying JavaDocs, click on a specific release note to find the link to the relevant API documentation.

Getting in touch

The TopLogic team offers a Discord Server with several channels where you can join and watch the development of TopLogic. If you have questions about TopLogic, its installation, configuration, and usage, this is the right place to visit.


Your contributions to the TopLogic open-source project are welcome. You may contribute bug reports, feature requests, fixes, enhancements to existing functionality, and new components and models. If you have issues or suggestions, it is best to first discuss them on the TopLogic Discord Server.

If you are willing to contribute models, code, or configurations, we require that you sign a Contributor License Agreement that makes sure that you are the owner of your contribution, are allowed to contribute, and provide Business Operation Systems GmbH with a license to integrate your contribution into the proprietary version of TopLogic as well.

For details, see the TopLogic Contributor License Agreement.


TopLogic is dual-licensed. You can use TopLogic either under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (AGPL-3.0) or the proprietary TopLogic License 1.0 (BOS-TopLogic-1.0). Using the AGPL open-source version requires that you make available all applications you configure under the terms of the AGPL to all of their users. To obtain the necessary license key for using TopLogic in production mode, please contact us.