Anticorruption Layer

gRPC service for topcoder anti-corruption layer. This service writes changes that happen in v5 to the legacy database to keep the legacy system happy and available for all legacy systems (OR, loaders) that interact with it.

See domain-challenge for more information.

Local Setup


  1. NodeJS 18+
  2. Yarn 1.22+
  3. Typescript 5+
  4. dynamo-access-layer
  5. anticorruption-layer

Required Environment Variables

The following environment variables are required. Placing a .env file in the root of the project will automatically load these variables.






Local Development

  1. Install dependencies. anticorruption-layer uses topcoder-framework which is published in AWS CodeArtifact. To ensure all dependencies are correctly downloaded log into aws codeartifact first
aws codeartifact login --tool npm --repository topcoder-framework --domain topcoder --domain-owner 409275337247 --region us-east-1 --namespace @topcoder-framework
yarn i

Note: A valid AWS session is required for the above command to work. Ensure that you have the correct aws environment variables set

  1. Start the gRPC server
yarn start

Deployment instructions

The primary branch of this repo is the main branch. Opening a pull request to the main branch will kick off building a docker image. Check CircleCI, specifically the Publish docker iamge to get the image tag. Use the tag for deploying to dev environment - see the branch deploy/dev of domain-challenge,

After the PR is merged, follow the same steps. For production deploys use deploy/prod branch