
This utility is a loader that pumps challenge cost data at the line item level from Informix to Redshift. It currently loads the cost_transaction table in Redshift. In terms of data, it mirrors what the "Competition Costs" report (https://www.topcoder.com/direct/dashboardBillingCostReport.action) does in Topcoder Direct.

This loader can be expanded to perform additional loads. It can be more generically thought of as a loader from a database to S3 to Reshift.

SQLDB --> S3 --> COPY to Redshift

This loader will always do a full load each time.


Maven JDK 8

Build and Run Steps :

  1. Navigate to maven project folder ('tc-informix-data-export'). Do mvn package assembly:single to build fat jar
  2. Navigate to target folder, there you can see tc-informix-data-export-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar generated
  3. Create a file config.properties with following contents


Make sure to replace '' and 'informix_port_1'

To run source docker informix instance, I would suggest to use

docker run -it -p <informix_port_1>:2021 appiriodevops/informix:1.2

  1. Step 3 has the queries that will be executed (where data is to be transferred from) By default, upon launching a) tcs_catalog.project_info Has the data already. b) informixoltp.invoice Doesn't have any data. I would suggest to generate random data using DBSchema or else use informixoltp-invoice-testdata.sql given in submission.zip to insert test data.
  2. Run jar now using java -jar tc-informix-data-export-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar <path_to_config.properties> This should read the tables in sourceInformix and store it in files as per fileName in dbname.table_to_csv.mappings and in directory as per config param config.csvTargetDirectory