
Pulls Veteran Data from data.gove for

Primary LanguageJavaScript




  • Edit configuration in config/default.json and
  • custom environment variables names in config/custom-environment-variables.json,

Application constants

  • Application constants can be configured in ./constants.js

Available tools

  • Since the data we need to download and process is huge it's better (/ safer) to use 2 different tools instead of one single script so in case that something goes wrong during processing, we'll minimise the damage.

Download datasets

  • Run npm run download-data to download all available datasets.
  • The datasets will be stored in the configured directory.
  • Old data will be replaced.
  • This operation does not affect the database.

Import data from downloaded files

  • Run npm run import-data to import all data using the downloaded files from the previous step.

Local Deployment

Before starting the application, make sure that PostgreSQL is running and you have configured everything correctly in config/default.json

  • Install dependencies npm i
  • Run lint check npm run lint
  • Start app npm start. This will run all tools in the following sequence:

npm run download-data => npm run import-data

The application will print progress information and the results in the terminal.


  • To verify that the data is imported, you can use the pgAdmin tool and browser the database.


  • The total size of all datasets is > 1.5GB so it will take quite some time, depending on your internet connection, to finish the operation.
  • max_old_space_size has been set to 4096MB to allow parse/process such huge data files without any issues. The app will clean the memory right after using the data to prevent memory/heap leaks.
  • The dataset for FOREIGN ADDRESSES doesn't have a header in the CSV file and it has slightly different format (it has an extra column). The app handles all datasets without any issue.