
Miscellaneous scripts

Primary LanguagePython


Tools for handeling and analysing High throughput sequencing data


Usage: pairSeq.py <inFile_1> <inFile_2>

Description: Separates paired end Illumina sequences into pairs and singlets. Also checks if the output sequences are in the same order in the resulting output files.

Input: Two files with sequences in fastq format (inFile_1 and inFile_2).

Output: 'outpair1.fastq' and 'outpair2.fastq' contains the sequence pairs. Sequences in 'outpair1.fastq' originates from the first imput file, and 'outpair2.fastq' from the other. 'outSingles1.fastq' and 'outSingles2.fastq' contains the singglet sequences from each input file.